Lupus Nephritis: Abbie's Story
After 10-year-old Abbie was diagnosed with lupus, her family became dedicated advocates for lupus research.
Every person on your child's LINC team has the same goal: to give your child the best possible care. We provide medical care, emotional counseling and much more.
After 10-year-old Abbie was diagnosed with lupus, her family became dedicated advocates for lupus research.
When Emily experienced sudden fatigue, bruises and fevers, her family turned to CHOP. Within days, she was diagnosed with lupus nephritis and began treatment.
In the midst of COVID-19, Indya began experiencing painful swelling and stiff joints – symptoms of lupus, a severe, autoimmune disease.
After receiving medical treatment for lupus at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Isabella is back to enjoying arts and crafts.