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Meet Your Intestinal Rehab Psychosocial Support Team

Children and families cared for by the IRP team at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia often benefit from support navigating the complex needs associated with their medical condition. The IRP’s psychosocial support team is here to help.

How the psychosocial support team helps families

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Social worker Meghan Miano, MSW, LSW

  • Partners with families and school teams to create individualized support plans
  • Problem-solves barriers related to insurance, lodging, transportation and/or employment
  • Offers resources to manage financial strain due to medical care

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Psychologist Lauren Fussner, PhD

  • Provides families with effective coping and communication strategies
  • Supports children who may be struggling to cope with their medical needs or treatment plan
  • Offers supportive intervention and guidance to parents caring for their child with complex medical needs

Keep a look out! We now offer parent support groups and children and teen meet ups throughout the year. Details will be sent by email.

If you are interested in learning more about IRP psychosocial support, please talk with your medical team or contact Meghan at 267-426-3981 or

For more information, please visit:

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