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Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education (CHGME)

Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education (CHGME)

Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education (CHGME) protects children’s access to high-quality medical care by providing freestanding children’s hospitals, including CHOP, with funding to support the training of pediatric providers.

This funding is important to recipient hospitals because just one percent of the nation’s hospitals train nearly half of all pediatricians. The federal program was created through the enactment of the bipartisan Healthcare Research and Quality Act in 1999, after the number of pediatric subspecialty residents in children’s hospital residency programs began to decline. 

CHOP has one of the largest pediatric training programs in the nation with over 400 residents and fellows participating in over 55 training programs. The funding CHOP receives through CHGME is a crucial portion of the Hospital’s annual investment in pediatric training and is essential to ensuring that there are enough pediatric providers in the future. 

Find more information from the Children’s Hospital Association.

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