CHOP Cares Community Fund and Grants Program
Beyond their commitment to caring for children at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and in the CHOP Care Network, many CHOP employees have a strong connection to and are deeply involved in the surrounding communities. CHOP employees care about the Hospital’s patients and their families and many volunteer their time outside of work hours to promote health and wellness their community.
In recognition of this dedication to children in our community, CHOP encourages ongoing involvement by offering competitive grants to support employee volunteer efforts.* These grants come from the CHOP Cares Community Fund, which includes individual donations and Hospital contributions.
With the assistance of the Community Advisory Board, the Office of Community Impact awards grants to CHOP employees to fill a specific health or wellness-related need, identified in the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), in one of the many Pennsylvania and New Jersey communities CHOP serves. Most grants are intended to help all children — not just CHOP patients — in the communities where they live, so projects are required to have an impact outside the walls of the Hospital and our Care Network locations. Some projects are implemented in collaboration with programs, community partners and experts already working with the targeted populations.
Grant projects have touched on everything from child literacy and eating better to helping children cope with disease, from reproductive health education to boosting kids’ activity levels and fighting obesity. Read more about some of these recent projects and how they're helping fulfill specific needs in the communities we serve.
If you are a current CHOP employee, please go to the CHOP intranet and search for “CHOP Cares Grants” to learn how to apply.
*Grants are awarded only to CHOP employees. Outside applications will not be accepted.

CHOP Community Cares Grant Program Celebrates Ten Years, Announces Increased Funding
A special event was held to celebrate 10 years of CHOP employees using grants to fund innovative programs in their communities.
CHOP Community Advisory Board
In an effort to become even more engaged in communities throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey, CHOP established a Community Advisory Board. The Board consists of both CHOP employees and civic leaders who demonstrate an interest in improving the health and lives of children and families in their communities.
The mission of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Community Advisory Board is to further promote the health and well-being of children and families in the communities we serve by coordinating, enhancing, recognizing and supporting — through the CHOP Cares Community Fund — the philanthropic and volunteer efforts of CHOP employees.
The board’s primary responsibility is to advise on the awarding of CHOP Cares Community grants. The board also provides invaluable insight regarding partnerships or recommendations to help applicants optimize their ability to meet community needs.
CHOP Community Advisory Board:
- Board Chair - John Chin, Executive Director, Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation (PCDC)
- Alison Marx, Vice Chair Administration, Department of Pediatrics, CHOP
- Kathleen Vickers, Office Administrator, Human Resources, CHOP
- Kyle Tribble, Director of Culture & Engagement at the School District of Philadelphia Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Lisabeth Henry, Director of Transplant Center and Health and Well-being Clinic, CHOP
- Monica D'Antonio, Professor of English, Montgomery County Community College
- Monica Jones, Family Consultant, Patient Family Services, CHOP
- Monique St. John, Chief Technology and Security Officer, CHOP
- Obed Arango, Founder and Executive Director, Center for Culture, Art, Training, and Education (CCATE)
- Phoebe Unetic, University if Pennsylvania Masters Student
- Raelyn K. Harman, President and Founder, Teachers' Teammates
- Sharon Sutherland, Attending Physician, Cobbs Creek Care Network, CHOP
- Victoria Hosendorf, Executive Vice President, The Enterprise Center