Ewing Sarcoma and Growth Hormone Deficiency: Vanessa’s Story
A tumor in the bones around her eye robbed Vanessa of her vision in one eye, but she showed strength and resilience dealing with treatment and long-term side effects.
Everyone on your child’s team has the same goal: to give your child the best possible care. Our team members are experts in late-effect endocrine problems of cancer treatment.
A tumor in the bones around her eye robbed Vanessa of her vision in one eye, but she showed strength and resilience dealing with treatment and long-term side effects.
18-month-old Josie received a stem cell transplant to stop a rare and devastating genetic condition in its tracks.
Prone to complications and struggling with late effects, a childhood leukemia survivor is diagnosed with thyroid cancer.
After twice overcoming cancer as a young child, Ruby is thriving in college, playing wheelchair basketball and planning for her future.
Kai’s thyroid cancer is one of the long-term side effects of the cancer treatment he underwent as a toddler.
Treatment for childhood leukemia has had several long-term effects on Raine’s health, but this successful college graduate is pursuing her dream.