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Your child's appointment with plastic, reconstructive and oral surgery

Your child's appointment with plastic, reconstructive and oral surgery

The Division of Plastic, Reconstructive and Oral Surgery offers a variety of services at locations throughout the region in addition to our Main Campus in Philadelphia, including our Specialty Care Centers in Pennsylvania (Brandywine, Bucks County, Abington or King of Prussia) and New Jersey (Princeton or Voorhees).

Ambulatory surgical services for outpatient procedures are available at our Bucks County (PA), King of Prussia (PA), Brandywine (PA) and Voorhees (NJ) locations. CHOP's Specialty Care & Surgery Centers allow families access to the services of renowned Children's Hospital surgeons without a trip to the city.

Scheduling an appointment

For referrals, evaluations or second opinions, please call 215-590-2208 for Plastic Surgery, 215-590-3362 for Orthodontics, or 215-590-1563 for Oral Surgery. We will ask for the following information.

About the referring physician:

  • Name
  • Contact information (including cell phone or beeper number, and email)

About the patient:

  • Name and age
  • Name of the parent or guardian
  • Phone number(s)
  • Brief summary of the patient's condition (e.g., symptoms, suspected diagnosis)
  • What you are seeking (e.g., patient evaluation, second opinion)

Our plastic surgery coordinator will contact your family to gather additional details. Your child's first visit will be scheduled with an appropriate Children's Hospital plastic surgeon. You will be seen at the Main Campus or at one of our CHOP Care Network locations, depending on clinical needs and your preference.

Directions, maps and parking

Before your child's appointment, make sure you know your physician's name and the location of your scheduled appointment. For driving directions, maps and parking information, check out CHOP's Visitor Information section.

For more information about your appointment at one of our Specialty Care Centers, contact the location listed above or call our main information line at 215-590-2208 with any questions.

What to bring to your child's appointment

When you bring your child to his or her appointment in the Division of Plastic, Reconstructive and Oral Surgery, we may ask you for some or all of the following items and information. You can speed your visit by bringing this information with you to your appointment. Please follow this checklist for your convenience, and be sure to let us know if you have any questions.

  • Referring physician information, including name, address and phone number. If your family physician is different from your referring physician, please bring this information for both.
  • Immunization (vaccination) records from your child's physician.
  • Medications your child is taking. This can be a list or the actual bottles.
  • Medical records, including X-rays and laboratory tests. If you aren't sure what is necessary, call us ahead of time to check.
  • Medical history. This includes a brief written history of your child's condition or illness, including type and timing of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment to-date.
  • Patient information, including your child's Social Security number, parent(s)' or legal guardian(s)' Social Security numbers, and a birth certificate if your child's name has been legally changed.
  • Insurance information, including policy number, group number, any necessary referrals (please check with your insurance company), and Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) papers if applicable.
  • Bring along any other items you think will make your child's appointment more comfortable, such as books, small games, snacks, formula, diapers or a change of clothes.

Additional testing and diagnosis

Depending on your child's condition or injury, additional testing and evaluation may be needed. This may include imaging studies, blood tests or consultations with other specialists.

Please note that you may need additional referral forms from your insurance company or your child's primary care doctor for these services. If your primary doctor is referring your child, your child may need to see a Children's Hospital physician before we can order any of these tests.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your child's appointment.

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