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Refer a Patient to Neonatology

Refer a Patient to Neonatology

The Division of Neonatology at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia is here to assist you in providing the best care for your patients.

We treat more than 1,200 patients per year in the Harriet and Ronald Lassin Newborn/Infant Intensive Care Unit (N/IICU) and more than 3,000 patients a year in our neonatal network. Additionally, since its opening in 2023, the King of Prussia N/IICU has had more than 250 admissions and an additional 30 transfers from the Philadelphia campus.

To discuss a potential referral, schedule an evaluation or seek a second opinion, please call 1-800-215-2160

Information we will ask for

Referring physician/healthcare provider

  • Name
  • Contact information (including cell phone/beeper number)


  • Name
  • Suspected diagnosis
  • Date of birth
  • Parents’ address
  • Parents’ phone number(s)
  • Parents’ insurance information

We recognize this is a very stressful time for families and strive to schedule all patients as expeditiously as possible.

If you feel a patient needs to be seen more urgently, let us know and we will work with you.

Downloadable resources

Neonatology Update eNewsletter for Providers

Healthcare professionals are invited to subscribe to Neonatology Update. Stay up to date on our clinical services, research, educational opportunities, and other information that is important to providers who refer patients to the Division of Neonatology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

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