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Digital Health

Digital Health

Physician and patient looking together at a phone
CHOP's Digital Health team is exploring new ways technology can enhance your experience while you are getting care at CHOP and support you when you are caring for your child at home.

At Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), innovation drives progress. Our commitment to leveraging high-tech digital solutions is rooted in our mission to provide unparalleled pediatric care.

When families like yours turn to us for care, advanced digital technologies help us provide an enhanced family experience. From making your appointment, to keeping track of your health records, to managing a child’s care at home, you rely on state-of-the-art technology throughout your healthcare experience.

Digital Health in action

Patient story

A Lifesaving Call

An innovative approach to care saves the life of a newborn with single ventricle heart disease.

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Health tip

Video Visits with Your Pediatrician

Learn more about when a video visit with your pediatrician may be a good option for our child.

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News Release

School-based Mental Health Increases Access for Students

Providing mental health services in schools is a giant step toward providing the right care in the right place at the right time.

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Digital Health projects

Digital Health connects patients to care when they are home:

  • Video visits allow patients and families to have appointments with their providers without leaving home
  • Remote patient management (RPM) allows health care providers to monitor certain aspects of a patient's health, both acute and chronic conditions, when they are at home
  • eConsults allow primary care providers to get guidance from a specialist for specific conditions without having to refer the patient for an in-person appointment
  • eVisits allow families to get guidance from a specialist for specific conditions without having to wait for an appointment (example: Acne Express available in MyCHOP)

Digital Health enhances the patient experience:

  • Symptom Checker tool helps families make informed decisions about what level of medical care your child may need, if any, and steps you can take to relieve symptoms at home.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help our providers focus on their patients instead of typing during a visit
  • Crib-side cameras in the Newborn/Infant Intensive Care Unit for caregivers who are unable to be at the bedside

Mother and teen daugther looking at phone together

Digital health news

Find more examples of how we’re using digital health strategies to improve pediatric healthcare. 

Help us deliver the best possible care and highest-quality patient family experience through advanced technology.  

Mother holding infant and looking at phone
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