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Research Studies

Department of Radiology Research Studies

Find research studies available to children cared for by the Department of Radiology team.


Eligible age

Clinical trial phase

Assessing Optically Pumped Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

The goal for this study is to compare performance between a conventional helium based "Cryo_MEG" (magnetoencephalography) system and an investigational optically pumped ('OP_MEG') MEG system using brain recordings from typically developing adults. MEG (magnetoencephalography) is a safe, non-invasive brain imaging method used in many forms of research as well as clinical care. MEG is measured by safely wearing a helmet filled with MEG sensors. During the MEG scan, you will be asked to look at a screen, listen to some tones, and push a button. OPM (Optically Pumped Magnetometry), is a brain imaging method that is also worn as a helmet and acquires MEG recording data but differs from conventional "cryo-MEG" because OPM sensors can be positioned closer to the head. This may present an opportunity for better measurement of underlying brain activity.

Phase: Phase I

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Adults, Healthy Controls, MRI/Imaging Studies, One-Time Visit Studies

Brain Chemistry of Infants with HIV Exposure

Most of the infants born to HIV-positive mothers are HIV-exposed but uninfected. HIV exposure in infants may cause brain developmental delays. This study will look for changes in the brain that might have occurred due to HIV exposure in infants. These measurements can lead to novel insights regarding the impact of HIV exposure in infants' brain and potentially guide the development of new therapies to mitigate abnormal brain development.

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Children, Healthy Controls, MRI/Imaging Studies, One-Time Visit Studies

Brains Keep Changing

We want to study how brain function and structure change in childhood. We will compare brain measures in children with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who are between the ages of 10-13 years old.

Phase: Pilot

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Children, Healthy Controls, MRI/Imaging Studies

Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Evaluation of Hypoxic Ischemic Injury

The goal of this HIE (Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy) Study is to develop ultrasound techniques for detecting impaired blood supply to the brain using an investigational contrast agent. Our hope is to contribute to early diagnosis and improved outcomes.

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: No

Category: Children

Fontan Liver MRE

Patients with who have had Fontan surgery are at risk for the development of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. New MRI based imaging techniques allow for non-invasive assessment of liver stiffness and fibrosis. These methods have been used in other diseases, but have not been studied in those who have undergone the Fontan operation. In this study we will test the feasibility of MRI based methods for the assessment of liver disease, and compare the results of these studies to those obtained from clinical liver biopsy.

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: No

Category: Adults, MRI/Imaging Studies

Multimodal Imaging in Autism

The purpose of this study is to understand how children's brains process sounds and language. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual and Developmental Delay (IDD), or Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) often have trouble understanding sounds that are too close together compared to Typically Developing Controls (children without ASD, IDD, or DLD). Fast changes in speech can be hard for children. This may be awkward during conversations and difficult in social situations. This research will see if trouble with processing sounds contributes to language difficulties in children with ASD, IDD, and/or DLD.

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Children, Healthy Controls, MRI/Imaging Studies

Conditions: Autism Spectrum Disorder

Neurometabolic Profile of Tobacco Smoking in HIV-Infected Individuals

HIV infection can cause harm to the brain and negatively affect memory, learning, and decision making in daily activities. Smoking may affect the ability of medications to reduce HIV in the bloodstream (viral load), which may affect long-term survival and brain health. This study will look for changes in the brain that might have occurred due to HIV infection or smoking.

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Adults, Healthy Controls, MRI/Imaging Studies, One-Time Visit Studies

Sodium MRI

The purpose of this study is to look at the Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) findings in children with brain tumors and healthy children. An MRI is a machine which takes pictures of the brain. The type of MRI image in this study is a new type that is not yet FDA approved and the study is looking to see if the new type of MRI image is useful in looking at sodium in the brain and brain tumors. Sodium MRI (also known as 23Na-MRI) is a useful non-invasive imaging technique to assess biochemical and physiologic changes in tissues, e.g. integrity of cells and tissue viability. Sodium MRI has been beneficial in the evaluation of several neurological disorders including acute ischemic strokes, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, migraines, and multiple tumor types, including tumors outside of the central nervous system.

Phase: Pilot

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Children, Healthy Controls, MRI/Imaging Studies, One-Time Visit Studies

Conditions: Pediatric Brain Tumors

Study on Brain Responses During Simulated Driving

We want to study brain responses during simulated driving and are currently looking for participants 12-17 years old or those who have had brain surgery. To do so, we'll have eligible participants come to CHOP for some non-invasive (safe) brain scans and drive using a simulator. If you are interested in learning more about the study, please contact Victoria Kaufman at or 267-425-4150.

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: No

Category: Adults, Children, Healthy Controls, MRI/Imaging Studies

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