Stomach Bugs in Children
Stomach bugs, also called gastroenteritis, are very common in young children. You can treat most stomach bugs at home by making sure your child keeps drinking and gets plenty of rest.
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Stomach bugs, also called gastroenteritis, are very common in young children. You can treat most stomach bugs at home by making sure your child keeps drinking and gets plenty of rest.
Answers to these frequently asked questions about orthopox (monkeypox) may help you better understand the virus.
Hemophilia is a genetic disease that prevents blood from clotting properly leading to prolonged internal and external bleeding. Read more hemophilia and the existing treatments.
This resource offers outlines and activities that educators can use to help protect children from poisonings.
The Poison Control Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia offers tips for using insect repellents safely
Naloxona (o Narcan) es un medicamento que puede salvar a una persona de sufrir una sobredosis o envenenamiento.
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Aspirin can be deadly in overdose! Healthcare providers are encouraged to attend to aspirin poisoning cases with the same diligence afforded to cases of sepsis or other life-threatening diseases.
The Children's Education Program at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's Poison Control Center teaches children how to avoid accidental poisonings.
Finding an explanation for your child’s health problem can take time. Here are tips on how to work with your child’s healthcare team during that process.