Congenital heart disease research
The team at the Richard D. Wood Jr. Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment (CFDT) and the Fetal Heart Program form a unique multidisciplinary team that provides expertise in the management and care of fetus’ with congenital heart diseases in expectant families. This unique collaborative effort is dedicated to evaluating and safeguarding the delivery of the unborn baby through advanced treatment and therapies available. Outcomes are reviewed through collaborative research efforts and have shown to be among the best in the world.
- Metcalf MK, Rychik J. Outcomes in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2020 Oct;67(5):945-962.
- Ozawa K, Davey MG, Tian Z, Hornick MA, Mejaddam AY, McGovern PE, Flake AW, Rychik J. Fetal echocardiographic assessment of cardiovascular impact of prolonged support on EXTrauterine Environment for Neonatal Development (EXTEND) system. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Apr;55(4):516-522.
Prior noteworthy publications
- Russell MW, Moldenhauer JS, Rychik J, Burnham NB, Zullo E, Parry SI, Simmons RA, Elovitz MA, Nicolson SC, Linn RL, Johnson MP, Yu S, Sampson MG, Hakonarson H, Gaynor JW. Effect of parental origin of damaging variants in pro-angiogenic genes on fetal growth in patients with congenital heart defects: Data and analyses. Data Brief. 2019 Jul 26;25:104311.
- Russell MW, Moldenhauer JS, Rychik J, Burnham NB, Zullo E, Parry SI, Simmons RA, Elovitz MA, Nicolson SC, Linn RL, Johnson MP, Yu S, Sampson MG, Hakonarson H, Gaynor JW. Damaging Variants in Proangiogenic Genes Impair Growth in Fetuses with Cardiac Defects. J Pediatr. 2019 Oct;213:103-109.
- Gaynor JW, Parry S, Moldenhauer JS, Simmons RA, Rychik J, Ittenbach RF, Russell WW, Zullo E, Ward JL, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Johnson MP. The impact of the maternal-fetal environment on outcomes of surgery for congenital heart disease in neonates. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2018 Aug 1;54(2):348-353.
- Rychik J, Goff D, McKay E, Mott A, Tian Z, Licht DJ, Gaynor JW. Characterization of the Placenta in the Newborn with Congenital Heart Disease: Distinctions Based on Type of Cardiac Malformation. Pediatr Cardiol. 2018 Aug;39(6):1165-1171.
- Liu MY, Zielonka B, Snarr BS, Zhang X, Gaynor JW, Rychik J. Longitudinal Assessment of Outcome From Prenatal Diagnosis Through Fontan Operation for Over 500 Fetuses With Single Ventricle-Type Congenital Heart Disease: The Philadelphia Fetus-to-Fontan Cohort Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018 Oct 2;7(19):e009145.
- Davey B, Szwast A, Rychik J. Diagnosis and management of heart failure in the fetus. Minerva Pediatr. 2012 Oct;64(5):471-92.
- Szwast A, Rychik J. Current concepts in fetal cardiovascular disease. Clin Perinatol. 2005 Dec;32(4):857-75, viii.
- Rychik J. Fetal cardiovascular physiology. Pediatr Cardiol. 2004 May-Jun;25(3):201-9.
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