Lifesaving Care for HLHS: Thomas’ Story
Born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Thomas had a 50% chance of making it to his first reconstructive heart surgery. CHOP helped him beat those odds.
Every person on your child's team has the same goal: to give your child the best possible care. We provide medical care, emotional counseling and much more. We make sure your entire family gets the support you need.
Born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Thomas had a 50% chance of making it to his first reconstructive heart surgery. CHOP helped him beat those odds.
Michael, 5, is meeting all his developmental milestones after surgeries for a severe heart defect. He was closely monitored by the Cardiac Kids Developmental Follow-up Program at CHOP.
Two-year-old Cooper had overcome open heart surgery, angioplasty and more, but he wasn't talking much and that concerned his parents.
When Alissa was a baby, she underwent heart surgery at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to treat tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), a congenital heart defect.
Jeremy was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). After a series of three reconstructive surgeries, he’s now an outgoing 5-year-old.
Beyah, 2, has come a long way since having lifesaving open-heart surgery at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia when she was just a few days old.
Michael, 3, had a series of heart surgeries at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) to correct a rare heart defect: double outlet right ventricle.
A series of surgical procedures at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia corrected Brynn’s rare combination of heart defects.
Abby was diagnosed with double inlet left ventricle, a severe heart defect, and underwent several surgeries at CHOP's Cardiac Center.
Xavier was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome before he was born. At CHOP's Cardiac Center, he's undergoing life-saving surgeries to treat this congenital heart defect.