Pediatric & Congenital Heart Talks video series
Jack Rychik, MD, Director of the Fetal Heart Program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), along with several distinguished Cardiac Center colleagues, present Pediatric & Congenital Heart Talks — a video-based, educational resource for clinical and research professionals in pediatric cardiology. Featuring world-class experts and thought-leaders in cardiac care, these video presentations will share new perspectives on basic principles, introduce novel concepts and innovations, and offer unique insight on some of the field’s greatest areas of challenge.
Heart Care Before Birth: Where Are We Now and What Does the Future Hold?

In this episode of Pediatric & Congenital Heart Talks, Jack Rychik, MD, provides a glimpse into the near future of fetal cardiovascular care, including insights on several new developments.
Moderated by Joseph Rossano, MD, MS, FAAP, FACC, Chief of the Division of Cardiology at CHOP, this presentation provides a glimpse into the near future of fetal cardiovascular care, including:
- Early fetal cardiovascular imaging during the first trimester
- Novel tools to characterize the placenta and its role in congenital heart disease
- The exciting possibilities provided by mechanical fetal support through the “EXTEND – artificial placenta”
- Fetal cardiovascular treatments to improve outcomes for many fetal cardiovascular conditions
Learn About the Future of Fetal Cardiovascular Care
New Therapies for Heart Failure in the Pediatric Population

Joseph Rossano, MD, MS, FAAP, FACC, presents New Therapies for Heart Failure in the Pediatric Population. Dr. Rossano is Chief of the Division of Cardiology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).
Hosted by Jack Rychik, MD, Director of the Fetal Heart Program at CHOP, this presentation will cover:
- Heart failure as a common sequela of cardiomyopathies and congenital heart disease associated with significant morbidity, mortality and cost
- Current standard treatment based on poor pediatric data
- New and exciting therapies that challenge and expand old paradigms
What Does Nursing Science Say About Improving Outcomes for Infants with Complex Congenital Heart Disease?

Amy Jo Lisanti, PhD, RN, CCNS, CCRN-K, presents What Does Nursing Science Say About Improving Outcomes for Infants with Complex Congenital Heart Disease?
Dr. Lasanti is a nurse scientist and Research Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and the Research Institute at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Hosted by Jack Rychik, MD, Director of the Fetal Heart Program at CHOP, this presentation will cover:
- The role of nursing science in high-quality, evidence-based nursing care
- Outcomes explored and described by nurse scientists, such as quality of life, neurodevelopment, growth and feeding, and intensive-care specific outcomes
- A new area of research demonstrating nurse-led interventions can support parent mental health and infant comfort in the cardiac intensive care unit
Catheter-based Interventions to Provide Pulmonary Blood Flow: Creating Standards for an Emerging Approach

Andrew C. Glatz, MD, MSCE, presents Catheter-based Interventions to Provide Pulmonary Blood Flow: Creating Standards for an Emerging Approach. Dr. Glatz is an interventional cardiologist in the Cardiac Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).
Moderated by Jonathan M. Chen, MD, Chief of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Co-director of the Cardiac Center, the presentation will review a variety of transcatheter methods to augment pulmonary blood flow in infants, with a focus on novel approaches, including:
- 3D imaging and modeling to assist with procedural planning
- Technical approaches to facilitate stenting of the highly tortuous PDA
- The upcoming COMPASS trial, a randomized multicenter trial comparing PDA stent to BT shunt
Watch the Presentation on Catheter-based Interventions
The Lymphatic System and Its Importance in Congenital Heart Disease

Yoav Dori, MD, PhD, the Director of the Jill and Mark Fishman Center for Lymphatic Disorders at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), presents The Forgotten Circulation: The Lymphatic System and Its Importance in Congenital Heart Disease.
Hosted by Dr. Rychik, this presentation will cover:
- Lymphatics: form and function
- Status in single ventricle
- Innovative diagnostic and therapeutic strategies
The Atrioventricular Canal Defect: Elements in the Balance

Meryl S. Cohen, MD, pediatric cardiologist in the Cardiac Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) presents The Atrioventricular Canal Defect: Elements in the Balance.
Hosted by Dr. Rychik, this presentation will cover:
- Variations in AVC defect manifestations
- Determining valvar imbalance and impact on strategies of care
- Balancing intra-operative decisions based on imaging data
Watch the Episode About AVC Defects
What Therapies Improve Fontan Circulation?

David Goldberg, MD, attending cardiologist in the Cardiac Center and Fontan Rehabilitation, Wellness, Activity and Resilience Development (FORWARD) Program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), presents What Therapies Improve Fontan Circulation?
Hosted by Dr. Rychik, this presentation will cover:
- Multi-organ systems to be influenced
- Fontan FORWARD Surveillance Clinic
- Results of the FUEL Trial
- Other novel strategies that are emerging
Catheter-Based Interventional Therapies for the Failing Fontan Circulation

Jonathan J. Rome, MD, FACC, Associate Chief of Clinical Affairs and an attending cardiologist in the Cardiac Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), presents Catheter-Based Interventional Therapies for the Failing Fontan Circulation.
Moderated by Joseph Rossano, MD, MS, FAAP, FACC, Chief of the Division of Cardiology at CHOP, this presentation will cover:
- Overview of indications for therapies such as PA stenting, AP collateral embolization, etc.
- Challenges and complications
- Novel venous re-routing strategies
Learn More About Catheter-Based Interventions
Optimizing Neurological Outcomes in Congenital Heart Disease

Maryam Naim, MD, pediatric cardiac intensive care physician in the Division of Cardiac Critical Care Medicine at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), presents Optimizing Neurological Outcomes in Congenital Heart Disease: How Can we Protect Against Injury and Stressors in the Peri-operative and Intensive Care Arenas?
Moderated by Jonathan Chen, MD, Chief of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Co-director of the Cardiac Center, this presentation will cover:
- Overview of neuro outcomes
- Identifying and monitoring for possible injury/physiological stressors
- Strategies to reduce injury and stressors
Learn About Optimizing Neurological Outcomes
Exercise Evaluation and Rehabilitation in Pediatric Heart Failure

Danielle Burstein, MD, attending cardiologist in the Division of Cardiology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), presents Exercise Evaluation and Rehabilitation in Pediatric Heart Failure: The Science and Practice.
Moderated by Joseph Rossano, MD, MS, FAAP, FACC, Chief of the Division of Cardiology at CHOP, this presentation will cover:
- Pathophysiology of heart failure and the impact on exercise in children
- Effective strategies for cardiopulmonary rehabilitation
Learn More About Exercise Evaluation and Rehab
Understanding Valve Function in Congenital Heart Disease

Matthew Jolley, MD, attending anesthesiologist in the Pediatric Valve Center and Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), presents Deepening our Understanding of Valve Function in Congenital Heart Disease – First Step to Improving Therapeutic Outcomes.
Moderated by Jonathan Chen, MD, Chief of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Co-director of the Cardiac Center, this presentation will cover:
- New windows – 3d imaging
- Computational modeling of complexities
- Programmatic development focused on valvar conditions in CHD
Learn More About Valve Function
Coronary Artery Anomalies — Data and Dilemmas

Julie Brothers, MD, FAAP, pediatric cardiologist and the Medical Director of the Coronary Anomaly Management Program (CAMP) at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), presents Coronary Artery Anomalies: Data and Dilemmas — Making Sense of It All.
Hosted by Dr. Rychik, this presentation will cover:
- Overview of variations
- Evidence base for concerns
- Who to treat? Risk stratification
- An algorithm for a reasonable approach