Why Choose CHOP for Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors in Children
Children and adolescents with cancerous (malignant) and non-cancerous (benign) tumors in bones and soft tissues can find outstanding care in the Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). CHOP’s pioneering surgeons, expert oncologists and coordinated team provide patients and families with an extensive array of treatment options – all customized to meet your child’s specific needs.
When making decisions about your child’s treatment and care team, consider the following:

- The importance of both orthopedic and cancer care. Our program has something no other pediatric program in the nation has – the backing of two top-ranked specialty programs. The Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Program is a unique collaboration between CHOP’s Orthopedic Center and its Cancer Center – each consistently ranked among the best in the nation by specialty according to U.S. News & World Report’s Honor Roll of Best Children’s Hospitals. We have more than 100 years of experience successfully diagnosing and treating children and teens with bone and soft tissue tumors.
- Access to every specialist your child might need. Our multidisciplinary team includes world-renowned experts in pediatric orthopedic surgery, pediatric oncology, diagnostic and interventional radiology, plastic surgery, pathology, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, as well as psychosocial services, among others.
- Cutting-edge research. Our team has led the development of several new treatment options for sarcomas in children, including clinical trials of targeted therapies that may block the genetic change associated with Ewing sarcoma, and precision TRK inhibitors for children with infantile fibrosarcoma. We focus on translating research into real-world advances in care available to your child.
- Children – and their bones – are different than adults and they respond differently to treatment. The bones of children and adolescents are still growing and developing into adulthood. Treatment must be flexible and grow with the child, often requiring a staged approach. Our program focuses 100% on pediatric and adolescent patients and how their bodies respond to bone and soft tissue tumors and treatment – especially as they grow.
- We provide a wealth of psychosocial support services to help children and their families cope with diagnosis and treatment.
- Tumor treatment is not one-size-fits-all. We offer a full spectrum of cutting-edge, comprehensive treatment options for children for bone and soft tissue tumors, including:
- Minimally invasive procedures
- Advanced limb salvage and limb reconstruction
- Microsurgery for vascularized grafts
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation therapy
- Proton therapy
Successful treatment is customized for the patient and their specific condition and may involve multiple steps. Your child’s care team will discuss which treatment options are most appropriate for your child’s age, development, type of tumor, and location of the tumor and address any concerns you may have.
- Access to care. Patients followed through our program can be seen at several convenient locations throughout CHOP’s Care Network.
- Nurse navigators help guide you along the way. Our nurse navigators help families schedule appointments, get necessary referrals and approvals from primary doctors and insurance companies, and help guide you through your child’s evaluation, treatment and follow-up care. Contact us today.
- Support for a smooth transition to adult healthcare. Long-term follow-up is crucial for continued health and an important part of the care provided to children with bone or soft tissue tumors.