Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease: Marie-Chantal’s Story
An FDA-approved gene therapy is giving people with sickle cell disease a future they didn’t think they’d have.
Every person on your child’s team has the same goal: to give your child the best possible care. Our highly skilled team includes medical experts in each step of the transplant process. We also offer nutrition counseling, emotional support, financial counseling and more.
An FDA-approved gene therapy is giving people with sickle cell disease a future they didn’t think they’d have.
Genetic sequencing revealed that Rafi had an extremely rare, often fatal disease — and the discovery was amazingly made before he had serious symptoms.
For years, sickle cell disease caused frequent pain crises and hospitalizations for Asher. A curative therapy has eliminated those harrowing experiences.
Sickle cell disease brings constant fear of life-threatening complications. A successful bone marrow transplant ended those fears for Dallas and her family.
18-month-old Josie received a stem cell transplant to stop a rare and devastating genetic condition in its tracks.
Diagnosed before his first birthday with a rare disease that causes ongoing damage to cells and organs, Ethan quickly received the only treatment that prevents further disease.
From the time she was just a few months old, Mia needed blood transfusions due to her rare blood disease. A bone marrow transplant changed everything.
Treatment for childhood leukemia has had several long-term effects on Raine’s health, but this successful college graduate is pursuing her dream.
Beta thalassemia major forced Nicholas to undergo regular blood transfusions until he received a lifesaving bone marrow transplant.
"CHOP is so great because they support the whole family," says Gabby's dad, Paul.