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Research Studies

Adolescent Medicine Research Studies

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Driving After Concussion in Adolescents

Although we know a lot about returning to sports, exercise, and school after concussion, we know very little about returning to drive after a concussion. Our Driving after Concussion study needs the help of both healthy and recently concussed teen partners in our research to understand how concussion affects driving behaviors in teens.We are looking for healthy (have not had a concussion in the last year) and recently concussed teens who are 16.5-18 years old with a drivers license and their own smartphone.Our teen research partners may be asked to complete surveys about themselves and download smartphone applications that track symptoms associated with concussion and/or observe real-world driving behaviors. They may also be asked to come to CHOP's Driving Simulator Lab to complete a 3-hour session that includes surveys, clinical testing, and device testing along with a simulated driving assessment to observe driving behavior.All teens who participate will be compensated for their time and effort.

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: No

Category: Adults, Children, Healthy Controls, Remote (Online / Phone Call Only) Studies

Conditions: Concussion

Providing Unique Support for Health (PUSH)

The purpose of this study is to identify and engage young black or hispanic/latino men (male sex at birth, but gender identity male, transfemale, or gender nonconforming) (YBLMSM/transwomen) in Philadelphia, PA, Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC in HIV and substance use prevention using a new Mobile-enhanced Engagement intervention (app that reminds you to take your meds, reminds you of your medical appointments, etc.). There are three different parts to this study: 1) respondent driven sampling (RDS); 2) Randomized Control Trial (RCT): MEI vs Standard of Care for HIV+ youth; and 3) PrEP RCT: Pre Exposure Prophylaxis - Mobile-enhanced Engagement Intervention (PrEP-MEI) vs. Standard PrEP referral;. It is possible to participate in only the RDS, the RDS and the AIM 3 PrEP RCT, or the RDS and AIM 2 RCT studies.

The RDS study involves 2 study visits lasting up to 1 month of participation where participants will be asked to complete an optional rapid HIV test (oral or fingerstick) or viral load testing (blood draw), web-based survey (on past sexual and HIV experiences), recruit your peers to participate in the study, and complete a post-recruitment survey. YBLMSM/transwomen and cisgender females 15-24 years may participate in RDS, but the following study portions are only for YBLMSM/transwomen:

People who successfully complete the RDS portion of the study may be asked to participate in an additional study visit of an audio-recorded focus group or interview.

The RCT study involves 6 study visits (5 in person, 1 phone) and lasts 18 months. Participants will be assigned to one of two groups receiving different HIV supportive interventions: 1) HIV case management with a Mobile-enhanced Engagement Intervention (MEI), or 2) standard of care HIV case management where a case manager will remind you of medical appointments. If you are assigned to the first group (MEI), you will be asked to use the MEI mobile app or web-browser version of the app during the study period. Participants will be asked to complete a web-survey (on past sexual and HIV experiences), HIV Antibody and Viral load testing (blood draw), urine drug testing, and allow the researchers to access your medical charts for HIV and STI testing results. You may also be asked to participate in audio-recorded in-depth interviews.

The PrEP RCT study involves 5 study visits (5 in person, 1 phone) and lasts 18 months. Participants will be assigned to one of two groups receiving different PrEP and substance use supportive interventions: 1) PrEP case management with a Mobile-enhanced Engagement Intervention (MEI-PrEP), or 2) standard PrEP referrals to services. If you are assigned to the first group (MEI-PrEP), you will be asked to use the MEI-PrEP mobile app or web-browser version of the app during the study period. Participants will be asked to complete a web-survey (on past sexual and HIV experiences), HIV Antibody (blood draw or 2 rapid OraQuick tests in place of serologic 4th generation testing when 4th generation testing is not available) and Viral load testing (blood draw), urine drug testing, use the MEI-PrEP mobile app or web-browser version of the app, and allow the researchers to access your medical charts for HIV and STI testing results. You may also be asked to participate in audio-recorded in-depth interviews.

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Adults

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