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T1Y1: Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Program

T1Y1: Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Program

Mom and dad pose with their son.

Children who require inpatient care (a hospital stay) for diabetes will work with a team specially trained to support children with diabetes and their families. This diabetes team is here to provide encouragement and guidance as you face the challenge of learning to care for a child with diabetes.

For three days, the Diabetes Center team will provide you with the information and skills you need to safely take care of your child at home. The aim of the DCC is to help you continue doing all of the things you used to do before your child was diagnosed. Your child will be able to play sports, go trick-or-treating and attend birthday parties, just like any other child.

Children with diabetes can lead full, active lives, but they need your help. The diabetes team will be there to support you until you have confidence in yourself.


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