Suzanne D. Hill
About Suzanne D. Hill
Suzanne D. Hill is program director of Outreach and Advocacy at the Center for Injury Research and Prevention (CIRP) at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
She specializes in translating child and youth injury prevention research into health promotion strategies that involve public policy advocacy, public relations, social marketing and digital communications. She is a member of Minds Matter: Improving Pediatric Concussion Management at CHOP, a hospital-wide, multidisciplinary team that developed and implemented a new standardized model of care for children.
Hill provides overall strategic communications direction for the Violence Prevention Initiative, a CHOP-wide effort to interrupt the cycle of violence that aims to become a national model for hospital-led youth violence prevention; Young Driver Research Initiative; and Partners for Child Passenger Safety.
She has been a workgroup member for the National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; an expert panelist for the Governor’s Highway Safety Association reports such as Protecting Teen Drivers: A Guidebook for State Highway Safety Offices (2010); and a planning committee member of the Lifesavers Conference since 2009.
Program Director, Outreach and Advocacy
Editorial and Academic Positions
Academic Committees
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention workgroup member
Research Interests
Minds Matter: Improving Pediatric Concussion Management
Violence Prevention Initiative
Teen Driver Safety Research
National Child Occupant Special Study
Partners for Child Passenger Safety (PCPS)
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BA in History and Sociology - University of Richmond, Richmond, VA
Additional Training
Certificate, Summer Institute, Digital Strategies for Health Communication - Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA