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Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Members of the Board of Trustees for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.


Christopher Gheysens

Vice Chair
Gregory Davis

President and Chief Executive Officer
Madeline Bell

Nefertiti A. Greene

Seth Lehr

Assistant Treasurer
Sophia G. Holder

Assistant Secretary
Jeffrey D. Kahn, Esq.

Board of Trustees

N. Scott Adzick, MD, MMM

George E. Aitken-Davies

Madeline Bell

Gregory Davis

Damien Dwin

Christopher T. Gheysens

Steven Gipstein, MD

Nefertiti A. Greene

Kay Herr

Seth Lehr

Jeffrey D. Marrazzo

Brian M. McNeill

Diem H. Nguyen, PhD

David G. Nichols, MD, MBA, FAAP, FCCM

Jay A. Perman, MD

Joseph St. Geme III, MD


Leonard Abramson

Clark Hooper Baruch

A. Lorris Betz

Aminta Hawkins Breaux, PhD

Mortimer J. Buckley

Stephen B. Burke

Dominic J. Caruso

Ruth M. Colket

Arthur Dantchik

Mark Denneen

Mark Fishman

Lynne L. Garbose

David P. Holveck

Anthony A. Latini

Lissa Biesecker Longacre

Sharad Mansukani, MD

Peter C. Morse

Asuka Nakahara

Jeffrey E. Perelman

Gerald D. Quill

George Reath Jr.

David B. Rubenstein

Anne Faulkner Schoemaker

Salem D. Shuchman

Richard D. Wood Jr.


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