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Vaccine Resources: Flu Messaging, Podcast with Dr. Poland, Training Opportunity, and Updated Vaccine Recommendations

Vaccine Resources: Flu Messaging, Podcast with Dr. Poland, Training Opportunity, and Updated Vaccine Recommendations
September 24, 2024

Flu season messaging 

The Public Health Communications Collaborative (PHCC), which serves as a hub for learning and information for people who communicate about public health, provides communication tools that may be useful. Flu messaging for this season is now available and can be used to provide information on many aspects of influenza, including what has changed about the vaccine from last year, insurance coverage and other topics. Additionally, the PHCC reviews techniques on how to communicate about flu season, including key strategies such as understanding your audience, encouraging people to make informed choices, and demonstrating the scientific rigor behind influenza vaccine. Visit their “Messaging: 2024-25 Influenza (Flu) Vaccine” webpage for guidance for this influenza season or check out their website for other communication tips

“Vaccine Visionary, Pastor, and Public Health Provocateur—Gregory A. Poland, MD”

The Infectious IDeas podcast, produced by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID), features leading experts in the field of infectious diseases. The Sept. 4, 2024, episode featured Dr. Gregory Poland, a physician-scientist and director of the Vaccine Research Group at Mayo Clinic. The interview covered what inspired him to go into vaccinology, the critical value of education in helping the public understand the need for vaccinations, and how his unique perspective as a Presbyterian minister helped him make inroads into certain communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, he shed light on some exciting new areas in vaccine development, including new adjuvants, the role of nanoparticules to deliver vaccines, and the future of using vaccines to treat diseases.  

Tune in to this episode to hear the inspiring conversation.

CE credit: “You Call The Shots – Zoster” update 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) produces interactive online immunization training courses for continuing education credit. The recently updated module on zoster offers information about the disease and recommendations for use of the shingles vaccine. 

Refer to the CDC training page for this course and others.

Updated recommendations

It has been a busy month for updated vaccine recommendations being published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). Make sure you haven’t missed any of the recently published updates: 

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