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Vaccine Resources: Do You Know What BUD Is as Related to Vaccines?

Vaccine Resources: Do You Know What BUD Is as Related to Vaccines?
September 25, 2023

The Public Health Foundation (PHF) partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to create three instructional videos to help clinicians differentiate between “expiration dates” and “beyond use date or time (BUD)” information when it comes to vaccines:

  1. What is a vaccine expiration date? (3:48)
  2. What is a vaccine beyond use date or time (BUD)? (3:55)
  3. The difference between a vaccine expiration date and a beyond use date or time (BUD). (6:16)

Learn more or check out the three videos today!

The videos are part of the TRAIN Learning Network. Not familiar with TRAIN? Find out more.

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