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On the Bookshelf: Environmental Scan Report Highlights COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Best Practices

On the Bookshelf: Environmental Scan Report Highlights COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Best Practices
October 30, 2023

Although not a book, the 109-page “Best Practices for COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing: Environmental Scan Report” may feel like one. Published by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) and authored by Mathematica, this environmental scan sought to understand the successes and challenges encountered during implementation of COVID-19 vaccination and testing programs. The authors analyzed the relevant peer-reviewed and gray literature and conducted interviews with 22 key informants.

The analysis focused on understanding barriers for populations deemed most at risk from COVID-19. Separate sections of the final report focus on key findings related to COVID-19 testing, COVID-19 vaccination and routine vaccination.

If you are someone whose focus is on understanding public health barriers or improving uptake rates of public health interventions, you’ll find this report to be one you want to keep handy, and even if you are someone whose focus is not at the populational level, you will find useful takeaways related to decreasing barriers and improving coverage.

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