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On the Bookshelf: 2024 “Yellow Book”

On the Bookshelf: 2024 “Yellow Book”
July 26, 2023

If you work in vaccines, you are probably familiar with colorful book descriptions:

  • The “Red Book,” which is the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases
  • The “Pink Book,” which is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Epidemiology and Preventions of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPD)
  • The “Purple Book,” which is Gary Marshall’s Practical Guide about Vaccines for Clinicians

And, hopefully, you are also familiar with the “Yellow Book,” the CDC’s Health Information for International Travelers. The 2024 edition of the “Yellow Book” is now available.

The updated guidance includes information about COVID-19 and international travel, practicing travel medicine in a virtual environment, recommendations for several high-risk groups during international travel, country-specific mosquito avoidance, and new tables related to vaccines and bacterial and viral diseases.

As with the CDC’s “Pink Book,” interested individuals can either purchase a print copy or refer to the contents online. The book has the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Preparing international travelers
  3. Travelers with additional considerations
  4. Environmental hazards and risks
  5. Travel-associated infections and diseases
    1. Bacterial
    2. Viral
    3. Parasitic
    4. Fungal
  6. Health care abroad
  7. Family travel
  8. Travel by air, land & sea
  9. Travel for work & other reasons
  10. Popular itineraries
    1. Africa & the Middle East
    2. The Americas & the Caribbean
    3. Asia
  11. Post-travel evaluation

Find out more about what is in each section or open links and start reading from the online “Table of Contents.” To see featured chapters, resources and more about the book, visit the Yellow Book homepage on the CDC’s travel website.

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