Stories to inspire

Papillary Thyroid Cancer: Zach’s Story
When the COVID-19 pandemic threatened to derail a scheduled checkup at CHOP’s Pediatric Thyroid Center, this family’s medical journey became a cross-country adventure.
Breath of Hope: COVID-19 Breathalyzer Testing in Development
Research ingenuity — and a little help from four-legged friends — promise breakthroughs in testing for COVID-19.
Pajama Day Spotlight: Groveland Elementary School
For the students and staff at Groveland Elementary School in Doylestown, Pa., participating in Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s annual Pajama Day fundraiser every year is not only a chance to be extra cozy at school, it’s also an opportunity to support a cause near and dear to their hearts.

Life After Neuroblastoma: Ruby's Story
After twice overcoming cancer as a young child, Ruby is thriving in college, playing wheelchair basketball and planning for her future.

CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder: Avery's Story
Avery, 6, has been treated at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for seizures since she was a baby. She is one of the first patients to benefit from CHOP’s new multidisciplinary CDKL5 Clinic.

Patent Ductus Arteriosus: Zylah’s Story
Before Zylah was even born, she received a miraculous birthday gift. It wasn’t a frilly dress or a pretty doll, but a heart procedure developed for extremely premature babies, just like her.

Giant Omphalocele: Emma’s Story
After a long journey to overcome giant omphalocele, a life-threatening birth defect, Emma is thriving.

Donor Profile: The EVAN Foundation
In the face of limited funding, the Lindbergs are fiercely determined to support pediatric neuroblastoma research.

Donor Profile: The Magical Mila Foundation
Mila didn’t survive surgery for complications of her rare genetic disease, which also caused extremely high blood pressure. Her parents are determined to find new options.

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Kidney Transplant: Owen’s Story
As an infant, Owen needed three open-heart surgeries. As a teen, he needed a new kidney — which his mother donated.
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