Celiac Disease Resources

Dining Out and Eating

Patients from the Center for Celiac Disease at CHOP describe how they deal with the everyday challenges that accompany celiac disease and living a gluten-free life.

Find a list of restaurant that provide gluten-free menus and allergy charts, links to free ebooks and apps, and tips for safe travel, school tips and more

Find a list of naturally gluten-free foods and high-fiber, gluten-free foods to help your family make good food choices for your child with celiac disease.


Through empowerment, education and advocacy, Beyond Celiac drives diagnoses of celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders.

The Celiac Disease Foundation is a non-profit, public benefit corporation dedicated to providing services and support regarding celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis.

The Celiac Support Association is a nonprofit advocacy and support organization dedicated to helping individuals with celiac disease and gluten sensitivities through research, education and support.

This website provides resources and information for people on gluten-free diets due to celiac disease, gluten intolerance, wheat allergy or other health reasons.

Gluten-Free Living magazine provides articles, resources and recipes on celiac disease.

NDDIC provides information about digestive diseases, statistics, research and more, from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.