NF2 Crew
The NF2 Crew is an online support community for patients and family members (and other loved ones) with neurofibromatosis type 2.
Our Cancer Predisposition Program experts have created this list of resources to help you keep your child safe and well.
The NF2 Crew is an online support community for patients and family members (and other loved ones) with neurofibromatosis type 2.
PJS and JPS is a free online support group for patients, family, friends, researchers and physicians, to discuss Peutz-Jeghers syndrome and Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome.
These resources are available to support caregivers of children cared for by the Cancer Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
GINA is a federal law designed to protect people in the United States from genetic discrimination in health insurance and employment.
It provides information for families, physicians and caregivers on pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB), a rare childhood chest tumor.