Navigating "Sick Season"
Symptoms & Severity
Unsure about which symptoms can be managed at home and which require medical attention? Use our symptom checker as a starting point, or call your pediatrician.
At-Home Treatments
It's typical for a child to come down with respiratory and/or stomach bugs six to eight times each year! Thankfully, many can be safely managed at home.
If You Need to Visit
Your pediatrician should always be your first stop. If it's after office hours and you can't wait, know where to go — one of our Emergency Department or Urgent Care locations, or find CHOP doctors at local community hospitals. And be sure to check our latest visitor guidelines.
Preparation & Prevention
Prepare for common bugs and viruses by stocking up on the items on this checklist, and limit exposure to germs by practicing trusted infection prevention methods. And as always, stay up to date on all your immunizations (flu, COVID boosters and more)!