Education and Training

Medical School

MD - Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA


Pediatrics - St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA


Human Genetics - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PA

Titles and Academic Titles

Attending Physician

Departments and Services




Strong A, Musunuru K. (2017) Genome editing in cardiovascular diseases. Nat Rev Cardiol. 14(1): 11-20. 


Strong A, Musunuru K. (2016) The (pro)renin receptor and LDL clearance: an old player joins a new game. Circ. Res.117: 187-9.


Patel KM, Strong A, Tohyama J, Jin X, Morales CR, Billheimer J, Millar JS, Kruth H, Rader DJ. (2015) Macrophage sortilin promotes LDL uptake, foam cell formation, and atherosclerosis. Circ. Res. 116: 789-796


Strong A, Patel K, Rader DJ. (2014) Sortilin and lipoprotein metabolism: making sense out of complexity. Curr. Opin. Lipidol. 25:350-7.

Bearden D, Strong A, Ehnot J, DiGiovine M, Dlugos D, Goldberg EM. (2014)  Targeted treatment of migrating partial seizures of infancy with quinidine. Ann. Neurol. 76:457-61.

Ding Q, Strong A, Patel KM, Ng SL, Gosis BS, Regan SN, Cowan CA, Rader DJ, Musunuru K. (2014) Permanent alteration of PCSK9 with in vivo CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing. Circ. Res. 115:488-92.


Strong A, Ding Q, Edmondson AC, Millar JS, Sachs KV, Li X, Kumaravel A, Wang MY, Ai D, Guo L, Alexander ET, Nguyen D, Lund-Katz S, Phillips MC, Morales CR, Tall AR, Kathiresan S, Fisher EA, Musunuru K, Rader DJ. (2012) Hepatic sortilin regulates both apolipoprotein B secretion and LDL catabolism. J. Clin. Invest. 122: 2807-16.

Strong A, Rader DJ (2012) Sortilin as a regulator of lipoprotein metabolism. Curr.  Atheroscler. Rep.  14: 211-8.

Ai D, Baez JM, Jiang H, Conlon DM, Hernandez-Ono A, Frank-Kamenetsky M, Milstein S, Fitzgerald K, Murphy AJ, Woo CW, Strong A, Ginsberg HN, Tabas I, Rader DJ, Tall AR. (2012) Activation of ER stress and mTORC1 suppresses hepatic sortilin-1 levels in obese mice. J. Clin. Invest. 122:1667-87.


Musunuru K*, Strong A , Frank-Kamenetsky M, Lee NE, Ahfeldt T, Sachs KV, Li X, Li H, Kuperwasser N, Ruda VM, Pirruccello JP, Muchmore B, Prokunina-Olsson L, Hall JL, Schadt EE, Morales CR, Lund-Katz S, Phillips MC, Wong J, Cantley W, Racie T, Ejebe KG, Orho-Melander M, Melander O, Koteliansky V, Fitzgerald K, Krauss RM, Cowan CA, Kathiresan S, Rader DJ. (2010) From noncoding variant to phenotype via SORT1 at the 1p13 cholesterol locus. Nature 466: 714-9.

Strong A, Rader DJ. (2010) Clinical Implications of Lipid Genetics for Cardiovascular Disease. Current Cardiovascular Risk Rep. 4:461-8.

Awards and Honors

Saint Christopher’s Hospital For Children SEEDS Service Award

Junior Investigator Award for Women, ATVB 2012 Scientific Sessions

Edward Holmes Award in Bench Research – Dept. of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

Trainee Award in Predoctoral-Translational Research, American Society of Human Genetics

Fellow, American Heart Association (AHA) Pre-doctoral Fellowship - Great Rivers Affiliate

Summa cum laude with University Honors, University of Pennsylvania

American Heart Association Grant

National Institutes of Health T32 Grant

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

American Heart Association

American Society of Human Genetics