Janet Lioy, MD, FAAP
Areas of expertise: Improvements in subspecialty communication in the ICUs, Neonatal airway, neonatal craniofacial disorders, Neonatal outreach, Ventilation of the Neonate, Neonatal respiratory care, Neonatal Critical Care
Locations: CHOP at Penn Medicine Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Main Building
About Janet Lioy, MD, FAAP
Janet Lioy, M.D., FAAP, is currently an attending neonatologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, (CHOP), and Full Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. She serves as the Director of Neonatal Outreach Program in the Division of Neonatology at CHOP. She is also the medical director of the Neonatal Airway Program and a team member of the Neonatal Craniofacial Program.
After graduating from Rutgers University-College of Nursing and working as a neonatal nurse, she attended Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine and competed both a pediatric residency and neonatal-perinatal fellowship at CHOP for pediatric residency. She has been a physician at CHOP since 1988 and is also on the neonatalology staff at Virtua Voorhees.
Throughout her career, she has devoted her career to promoting neonatal outreach, a program that has had an enormous impact on access to high level intensive care for all premature and sick neonates in the Delaware Valley. She currently teaches at the Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania and is on the editorial board of the AAP Neonatal Educational section. She is a highly regarded mentor having received the Division of Neonatology Istvan Seri Faculty Teaching Award, CHOP Joanne Decker Work Life Balance Mentor Award and the CHOP Master Clinician Award.
She is the editor of a one-of-a-kind book entitled: Disorders of the Neonatal Airway: Fundamentals for Practice.
Attending Neonatologist
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2022, Philadelphia Magazine's Top Doctors in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine, NJ
The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Janet Lioy, Mike Padula, and Taylor Wild- Spectrum of disease in hospitalized newborns with congenital micrognathia: a cohort of 3236 infants at North American tertiary-care intensive care units- The Journal of Pediatrics
Kosyk MS, Carlson AR, Zapatero ZD, Kalmar CL, Cielo CM, Lioy J, Bartlett SP, Taylor JA, Swanson JW. Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis for Tongue-Based Airway Obstruction Without Micrognathia. Ann Plast Surg. 2022 Jan 1;88(1):54-58. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000002891. PMID: 34176894.
Stefanovski D, Tapia IE, Lioy J, Sengupta S, Mukhopadhyay S, Corcoran A, Cornaglia MA, Cielo CM. Respiratory indices during sleep in healthy infants: A prospective longitudinal study and meta-analysis. Sleep Med. 2022 Nov;99:49-57. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2022.07.010. Epub 2022 Jul 31. PMID: 35963199.
Louis-Xavier B, Morales C, Oliver E, Gebb J, Feygin T, Lioy J, Howell L, Hedrick H, Jackson O, Adzick S, Javia L: Risk Factor Analysis and Outcomes of Airway Management in Antenatally Diagnosed Cervical Masses. N/A April 2021 Notes: Submitted.
Venkatachalam S, Fiadjoe J, Giordano R, Stow J, Lioy J, Javia L, Tay K, Soorikian L, Napolitano N, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A, Garcia-Marcinkiewicz A, McCloskey J, Romer A: "Operations and outcomes of a Hospital-wide Emergency Airway Response Team (HEART) in a quaternary academic children's hospital" Pediatric Anesthesia April 2021 Notes: Submitted.
Javia L, Lioy J, Hedrick H, Oliver E, Gebb J, Feygin T, Howell L, Jackson O, Barrette L, Zimmerman C: "Risk Factors and Outcomes of Airway Management Diagnosed Cervical Masses: A Single-Center Experience" American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology 2021.
Sillers L, Lioy J, Moran K, Stow J, Jacobs I, Demauro S: "Survival and decannulation across indications for infant tracheostomy: a twelve-year single-center cohort study" Journal of Perinatology 2021 Notes: Submitted.
Tom C,Deshmukh H, Soorikian L, Jacobs I, Fiadjoe J, Lioy J : Airway emergency management in a pediatric hospital before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology October 2020 Notes: DOI: 10.1101/2020.09.25.20201582.
Brendan W, Makarewich C, Montoya-Williams D, Krakow A, Lioy J, Horn BD: "Epidemiology and Management of Appendicular Fractures Occurring in Neonatal Intensive Care Patients” ACTA Paediatrica Page: DOI: 10.1111, June 2020 Notes: epub ahead of print.
Makarewich C, Montoya-williams D, Krakow A, Horn D, Lioy J: Epidemiology and management of appendicular fractures occurring in neonatal intensive care patients. Acta Paediatrica Page: DOI: 10.1111, June 2020 Notes: epub ahead of print.
Lioy J, Nelson, O, Isserman R, Henderson A, Rintoul N, Javia L, Tran K, Fiadjoe J, Lin E: "Management of Neonatal Difficult Airway Emergencies in the Delivery Room" Wiley, Pediatric Anesthesia Page: doi.org/10.1111, March 2020 Notes: epub ahead of print.
Thom C, Deshmukh H, Soorikian L, Jacobs I, Fiadjoe JE, Lioy J: "Longitudinal Experience with Airway Emergencies in a Large Pediatric Hospital” Pediatrics March 2020 Notes: Submitted.
Lin EE, Nelson O, Isserman RS, Henderson AA, Rintoul NE, Lioy J, Javia LR, Tran KM, Fiadjoe JE. Management of neonatal difficult airway emergencies in the delivery room. Paediatr Anaesth. 2020;30(5):544-551. doi:10.1111/pan.13859
Masten M, Sommerfeldt S, Gordan S, Greubel E, Canning C, Lioy J, Chuo J. Evaluating Teamwork in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Survey of Providers and Parents. Adv Neonatal Care. 2019 Mar 19. doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000604. [Epub ahead of print]
Chuo J, Lioy J, Gerdes J. Drivers of referrals to a children's hospital neonatal-infant intensive care unit. J Perinatol. 2019 Feb;39(2):295-299. doi: 10.1038/s41372-018-0297-2. Epub 2018 Dec 20.
Cheng J, Lioy J, Sobol S. Effect of tracheostomy timing in premature infants. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Nov;77(11):1873-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2013.08.032. Epub 2013 Sep 5.
Sen P, Yang Y, Navarro C, Silva I, Szafranski P, Kolodziejska KE, Dharmadhikari AV, Mostafa H, Kozakewich H, Kearney D, Cahill JB, Whitt M, Bilic M, Margraf L, Charles A, Goldblatt J, Gibson K, Lantz PE, Garvin AJ, Petty J, Kiblawi Z, Zuppan C, McConkie-Rosell A, McDonald MT, Peterson-Carmichael SL, Gaede JT, Shivanna B, Schady D, Friedlich PS, Hays SR, Palafoll IV, Siebers-Renelt U, Bohring A, Finn LS, Siebert JR, Galambos C, Nguyen L, Riley M, Chassaing N, Vigouroux A, Rocha G, Fernandes S, Brumbaugh J, Roberts K, Ho-Ming L, Lo IF, Lam S, Gerychova R, Jezova M, Valaskova I, Fellmann F, Afshar K, Giannoni E, Muhlethaler V, Liang J, Beckmann JS, Lioy J, Deshmukh H, Srinivasan L, Swarr DT, Sloman M, Shaw-Smith C, van Loon RL, Hagman C, Sznajer Y, Barrea C, Galant C, Detaille T, Wambach JA, Cole FS, Hamvas A, Prince LS, Diderich KE, Brooks AS, Verdijk RM, Ravindranathan H, Sugo E, Mowat D, Baker ML, Langston C, Welty S, Stankiewicz P. Novel FOXF1 mutations in sporadic and familial cases of alveolar capillary dysplasia with misaligned pulmonary veins imply a role for its DNA binding domain. Hum Mutat. 2013 Jun;34(6):801-11. doi: 10.1002/humu.22313. Epub 2013 Apr 12.
Deshmukh H, Lioy J. The Use of Early Lung Biopsy in Detection of Fatal Pulmonary Disease in the Neonate. J Pediatr. 2013 Dec 24. pii: S0022-3476(13)01470-4.
Books edited
Lioy J, Sobol SE, editors. Disorders of the Neonatal Airway: Fundamentals for Practice. New York: Springer; 2014
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Wild KT, Humphries L, Lioy J, Swanson J. Fetal and Neonatal Surgery: Diagnosis and Management of the Fetal and Neonatal Patient. Micrognathia, McGraw Hill 2022. Cromblehome TM, Lim F-Y, Peiro JL, Simpson L, and Rintoul NE. editorial, review, chapter, committee report
Lioy J, Deshmuhk H, Paliga JT. Challenges of the Neonatal Airway. In: Lioy J, Sobol SE, editors. Disorders of the Neonatal Airway: Fundamentals for Practice. New York: Springer; 2015. p. 133-145.
Lioy J, Paliga JT, Deshmuhk H. Airway Emergencies in the Neonate: Preparedness at the Bedside. In: Lioy J, Sobol SE, editors. Disorders of the Neonatal Airway: Fundamentals for Practice. New York: Springer; 2015. p. 297-305.
Lioy J, Chuo J, Paliga JT. Creating an Effective Quality Improvement (QI) Process for Airway Emergencies. In: Sobol S, Lioy J, ed. Disorders of the Neonatal Airway. New York: Springer; 2015. p. 385-389.