Sara A. Hasan, MD

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Sara A. Hasan, MD, is a Pediatric Hospitalist, an attending physician dedicated to caring for hospitalized children. Dr. Hasan serves as the medical director of the Surgical Co-Management Team as well as a physician advisor for the department of case management at CHOP.

Areas of Expertise: Surgical co-management, Caring for children with complex medical needs, Pediatric hospital medicine
Locations: Main Hospital
Appointments and Referrals: 1-800-TRY-CHOP (1-800-879-2467)

Education and Training


Pediatrics - Toledo Children’s Hospital, The University of Toledo. Toledo, OH


Pediatrics - Saint Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Drexel University. Philadelphia, PA

Board Certification

Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics

Graduate Degree

MD - Saint Matthew’s University, School of Medicine, Grand Cayman, British West Indies

Titles and Academic Titles

Medical Director, Surgical Co-Management Team

Physician Advisor, Department of Case Management

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

Departments and Services

Research Interests

Children with medical complexity
Utilization management