Division of Neurology Patient Stories

51 - 56 of 56

Arterial Ischemic Stroke: Avery’s Story

Avery, stroke patient

After a stroke at age 17, Avery worked her way back to the basketball court — thanks to neurology, rehabilitation and sports medicine experts at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Pediatric Stroke: Nate's Story


Nathan was just 2 days old when his local hospital found fluid on his brain. He was transported to The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and his family learned he'd suffered a massive stroke in utero

Pediatric Stroke: Kaelyn's Story

baby kaelyn

Two days after her birth, Kaelyn had a seizure. She was transferred to The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia where her parents learned that Kaelyn had a stroke.

Pediatric Stroke: Addie's Story

baby addie

Addie's mom describes the joy and sadness of raising her 4-year-old daughter. Addie had a stroke as a baby and still has weakness on one side of her body.
